C.D. McMillon
The Author Website of your local story loving Nerd.
The Heroic Age: Dawn of a New Age
In 1954 in the middle of McCarthyism the Super Heroes of the United States were brought to task to either fight communism or leave the country. Seeing the possible Super Hero Cold War on the horizon they disappeared into legend and faded away from the public consciousness. In the modern day a secret society of Super Beings exists hidden away from the rest of the world, but a conspiracy begins to bring them into the light and cause the rise of Super Beings and place them on the top of the world.
The Heroic Age: Clash of Ages
After the city becomes exposed and the first military assault the tensions are high with war possibly on the horizon. Now free to cause chaos and blame the others Super Villains begin rising up and gathering into large groups as the secrets of the conspiracy start coming into the light. As an old Super Villain returns to his former glory, he has his eyes yet again set to take the world under his thumb now a new age of Heroes has to come together and save the world.
The Heroic Age: Threat from Beyond the Stars
A year has passed since the Chaos Day incident with Utopia being exposed to the world and Ace-Man being sent to jail for his willful ignorance for the crimes of his former allies. Now a new threat is raising as the young heroes are spread across the world as new heroes slowly raise as the threat of alien invasion becomes all the more apparent. When the world is in crisis, heroes will always find a way to raise.
The Heroic Age: The Invasive Horde
Aliens have attacked the earth, and only a small team of heroes stand a chance at pushing them back and saving the earth. But the aliens seem to be after something more than just simple conquest. As they search the world for something the heroes struggle to stay a step ahead of them and unite together to stop the threat. All the while the world watches waiting to see who will win this struggle for the fate of the world.